This product is a mixture of silane and siloxane. It uses a water-soluble protective colloid and anti-caking agent to encapsulate the silane, resulting in an organosilicon powder product.


When dry mix mortar is mixed with water, its rapid dispersibility allows it to dissolve quickly in water and release the silane and siloxane it contains. Its molecular structure interacts with water and moisture in the environment, causing a hydrolysis reaction and forming hydrophobic components. This improves the microporous structure of the finished product.

AppearanceWhite Free-flowing Powder
Active Components0.5±0.1
PH(10% Solution)7.0±0.5

  • Waterproof mortar
  • Color decorative mortar
  • Tile grout
  • Other mortars with low water absorption requirements
Water repellent nano coating for concrete and clay afzir co

Raw MaterialsWaterproof MortarColor Decorative MortarTile Grout
Calcium Carbonate10150
Cement (PO42.5)400250250
High-alumina Cement100100
Sand(40-120 Mesh)600650500
Atocell Cellulose Ether1.823
Atopas RDP 524825-303010
Hydromax HM-1488233
Atoplex PCE C6090.30.30.5
Thixotropic Agent